Saturday, August 22, 2009

How I Celebrated Release Day!

No, I didn't stomp grapes, but we did spend the week in Virginia. Here I am with my book and two kids, pretending to stomp grapes in Busch Gardens Italy section.

(If my son looks bored, I think it had more to do with it being well into the 90s then anything else.)

More pictures to come!
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  1. Yay! Sounds like a great way to spend your release day!! :)

  2. How fun! I love that WMKE went with you!

  3. I've got a bunch of other pictures too, which I'll post as soon as I get a chance. WMKE enjoyed the vacation - but probably should have been put in a locker before we went down the flume ride the first time (we learned our lesson for later)
