Sunday, November 16, 2008

When Mike Kissed Emma

Coming Soon to Wild Rose Press!

I have a cover!


  1. OK, I wasn't going to comment on any blogs since I'm traveling this weekend, but OMG!!!!! I love this cover!!! It's amazing and perfect and so far beyond anything I would have come up with. LOVE IT!

  2. Thanks PJ - Isn't it great. It's good I didn't have to come up with my own cover - because I'm totally not an artist. I'm in awe of people who can do this!

  3. OH WOW! That looks awesome! Congratulations!!

  4. I am proud of you, more than I can say, but wait, you are getting ahead of me on the road to being a world famous author of best selling novels. That's ok. I'll catch up. I'm already getting ready to start thinking about a theme. This is tough work.

  5. Thanks Beth and Keri

    And Dad - you're almost retired - no reason not to start that novel now!
