Unfortunately instead of this being helpful when putting my ideas together, I find that sometimes I had no idea what I was thinking about.
For instance. Today I opened a file named "ideas" (sounds promising, doesn't it?) This is what I found.
Right. Um. I think that idea needs a little more fleshing out. Like enough that I can answer the question: what was I thinking about?There’s a secret in the house.
What is it?
An adventure
And then there was this one under the name "Outline for new story" (everything is called 'new story' until I either have a main character name or a title - which means I have a lot of 'new stories').
This is what I found there:
To which I say. 1) this isn't an outline, not even by generous standards and 2) who are Ally and Stella and what's so important about the incident at school?Chapter 1
Incident at school - afterward Ally meets Stella
What kind of incident at school? Study hall and the kids are all goofing around and talking about the latest whatever – or looking up funny videos on youtube and Ally has her head in a book
When I come up with a new idea for a story I try to put all the relevant pieces together in one place: the concept, the characters things like that. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes (as you can see above) not so much.
I have one started story I found - about a page and half and I have absolutely no idea where the story was going.
So either I ought to finish more of my stories or I ought to get more organized. How do you keep your ideas organized. Are they all in files labeled "notes" and "new story idea" like mine, or does your method actually make sense?